Sunday, February 7, 2010

Stepping Stones

This week has been a sore one.

Wanted to fit some cross-training into my week, and decided to go to Total Body Conditioning at the gym last Monday. I have been to this class before, although not for a while. The class involves weights, abs, and lots and lots of reps. Needless to say, my entire body was sore for the next 2 days.....although I guess I can't really whine about it since the name of the class should have been fair enough warning.

The unfortunate part was that Tuesday's training workout was (drum roll please.......) STAIRS! Great news for very sore hamstrings and quads. You know the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park? The very famous fountain that is in lots of movies, such as "Ransom" and "One Fine Day"?? Behind that is a large stone staircase. Said stone staircase was sight of this week's stair workout. Since I ran up, down, and around it 15 times, I know now it pretty well. Thankfully, I forgot all about my sore legs once I got warmed up and started running, and even better is the fact that I managed to complete this workout without spraining, twisting, breaking, or falling over anything. (major pats on the back for that).

Thursday did 7.5 miles on the treadmill. Instead of water, brought an apple juice sports drink concoction and definitely had more sustained energy than last weeks long run. Was tired at the end but could foresee going farther.

Saturday's morning run was at the same infamous site of last weekend's hill workout. Despite snow pummeling lower portions of the east coast, NYC really didn't get anything.

There is a nice hilly 1.44 mile northern loop of Central Park. Hilly, and VERY windy. The half-marathon will take place around Central Park, and then down the West Side Highway. Since the northern area of the park is the most difficult terrain of the race, our coach wanted us to get cozy and familiar with this portion. Fortunately or unfortunately (not really sure which), the subway was having some issues and I showed up pretty late. Only got in 2 loops--instead of 3---but was astounded at my lap times. When it's cold out, it's very hard to sense how fast you are going since your muscles feel like lead, but based on numbers it sure looks like I'm getting faster. Either that or (which tracks distances) is full of lies.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I got tired and sore just reading this... now out to shovel some snow on this snow- blizzard day off from school

